Pearl Jam has unveiled a new animated video for their latest single, “Superblood Wolfmoon,” from the Seattle band’s upcoming album, Gigaton.

The band collaborated on the clip with animator Keith Ross, who posts short music videos that he does with only a ballpoint pen on an Instagram account called @TinyConcert. The “Superblood Wolfmoon” video is the first full-length clip he’s done.

Pearl Jam released “Superblood Wolfmoon” on Tuesday (February 18th), but previewed the track last week with a special app that allowed fans to hear the song if they pointed their cellphone cameras at the actual moon.

Pearl Jam will release Gigaton, the band’s 11th studio album, on March 27th. The band will embark on a North American tour in support of the LP starting on March 18th in Toronto.

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